Howdy fellow chicken lovers!


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2023
Santa Cruz, CA
Laura and I live in Santa Cruz, CA. We have had chickens for over 10 years, currently have 5, and are on our second coop. I've (Clint) have checked out this site a few times over the year but we have some new challenges so I thought I would join. We have a disabled hen so I am going to build a ground level coop so she can get in and out of it. We also have a new hen, which is smaller than the others, and the other birds (with exception of the disabled hen) are beating her up constantly.

I'm hoping to have the disabled and new hen share the new coop. Regardless I will need a coop for the disabled hen. I'll be checking out the forum on coops and I am sure there are many threads on introducing new hens to a flock.

Be talking with you!


Hi Clint and Laura, thanks for joining us! Years ago I had a disabled hen (one leg was lame) and we fixed her up with a separate, small coop and separate run just for her. She could still see the other chickens so didn't seem lonely, but separated to keep the flock from harassing her. Hope you can fix up some accommodations that will work for your girl. Best wishes!
Hello and welcome to BYC!

Oh how nice of you to keep a disabled hen! I've kept quite a few very old birds, in their teens and they too require one level and special care. Very rewarding to the heart to care for those that are different and require out of the ordinary care.

Welcome to our community!

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