Howdy from South Austin!!


10 Years
May 11, 2009
Far South Austin
) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

I don't have chickens yet. I've been researching it for awhile now. Recently unemployed, so just trying to get a job right now. But looking at building a tractor coop and run this winter and getting some chicks in spring 2010.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

(3) What breeds do you have?
I'm not sure what breeds I will get. I'm thinking Sussex, Plymouth rock, NH, or rhode islands. I want lots of eggs, want them to be able to handle the heat here, and the rare, but often- enough- to- be- a -concern freezes we have here.

(4) How did you find out about
I used to go to the library when i was wondering about someting. Now I start at google, then go to the library. found you while surfing.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Gardening, reading, camping, biking, fishing, swimming, kayaking, anything with water, really. I've just started gardening again. Had a garden when I was little. Having a lot of fun with that. Sort of learning as I go. I grew up in Hawai'i. Pretty much just threw the seeds out and watched the plants grow. Here I have to actually know when to plant, trim, and harvest, and pay attention to soil nutrients and pests. aaaugh!! but, i learned pretty quickly that sticking to local varieties, purchased locally and grown locally & organically, is the easiest way for me to go. i just keep my soil healthy, and everything else seems to fall in place. (as long as i plant at the proper time)

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
It's just me and my fishies right now. Lost my 15 year old cat 1 1/2 years ago, and my 13 year old dog last year. Not ready for any other pets yet. Especially now that money is so tight. I do have some fish: have an aquarium inside and a pond outside. (i'm so excited, one of my goldfish had a baby!!! He's very good at hiding, didn't see him until he was 2 inches long!! )
Not much to say. I like to stay home and work in my garden and hang out by my pond reading. Would love to have a pool to swim in, but that will take a few years. Love to travel, especially road trips. All of my family (and my ex-husband ) are in Hawaii.

Really like this site. I've read SO much great information. Can't wait to get started. I want my chickens NOW!!! But in the meantime, I will enjoy looking at everyone's pics and reading all of the interesting and informative posts. I love all those pics of all those coops especially! Haven't decided yet which one I'll build.
Thanks for the great site!

Welcome from PA! Sounds like you should get busy on that chicken tractor now! Why wait? Chickens are so much fun (and very addictive). Good luck to you
Welcome from PHX!

If you want lots of eggs... I'll just suggest Cinnamon Queens. They are egg laying machines. I've got to give vanessa a visit and get 3 or 4 because my last hatch produced too many roos!
Thanks so much for the friendly welcome!

Can't wait to get started.
Right now I'm preparing my backyard. I'll be keeping my eyes and ears open for free/cheap materials as well.
We had a flock of homing pigeons (about 30)when I was a little girl, and I can't wait to have some birds again!! They were such fun.

Thanks again!

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