Howdy from Texas..


In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2015
Hi, I just moved to TX from CA and got me a few chickens for which i built a little (lopsided) coop. I wasmthinking about getting a couple of ducks next month along with a turkey to keep as a pet. Would they get along fine together? Should I build another coop especially for the turkey and the ducks? Do ducks need a pond?
Other than that, nice site :)
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Sorry I don't know about turkeys - you could post on the "Turkey thread," OR ducks, likewise post on the "Duck thread." I think people sometimes use a sandbox filled with water or even a child's low pool for ducks. I've heard turkeys can get "blackhead" disease from chickens but, don't know how prevalent that is.

Think my brain is too full of sugar plums right now to function.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. X2 on drumstick diva; I'm a chicken person and don't know much about ducks or turkeys, but definitely post on our Duck and Turkey sections in Other Backyard Poultry under the forum at the top of the page and take advantage of our duck and turkey experts there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Hi and a warm welcome to BYC - great to have you onboard. Hope you get some duck and turkey experts to further advise.

Glad you have joined us.

Sorry, another chicken person here.

But do know that if you have male ducks you will need to separate them from your female chickens.

Good luck with your plans and do post the question under the ducks/turkeys forums for some experienced input.
Hi I am from Texas also - we have not raised turkeys and ducks together but have done it at different times so not sure about housing them together but I am sure people do- hope someone can help you with that
As far as ducks needing a pond - no they don't a kiddie pool from the dollar store works great - they enjoy playing in the water I have been raising Muscovy ducks for a few years already and just love the personalities

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