Howdy from Texas!


14 Years
Feb 2, 2009
northeast of Dallas
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I'm new. Last Christmas (2007) my mom got me a book about chicken keeping, not very detailed but good intro for someone not quite sure about it. After mulling it over for a year asked DH for a chicken coop for Christmas this year. He started building it on 12/27/08!!

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
Getting ready to order about 10 chickens.

(3) What breeds do you have?
Looking at probably getting a mix of Easter Egger, Buttercup, Wyandotte, Minorca, Ancona, maybe R.I. I'm trying to stay with heritage breeds, hoping to free range close to 100%, and I'd like to have assorted egg colors. May get meat birds someday but trying just layers until I get the husbandry issues down.

(4) How did you find out about
I think it was from my gardening forum buddies at - they don't have a chicken forum but the topic of chickens comes up occasionally in regards to pest control, fertilizer, how to clear a new garden patch, etc... Also when I google chicken-related questions, BYC frequently comes up.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Gardening, birdwatching (either backyard or hiking), knitting, reading novels (esp. science fiction, mysteries, medical thrillers)

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
Just me and the DH, 4 cats, and a saltwater aquarium with shrimps, crabs, snails & corals (used to have some fish but the last few haven't worked out - still trying to figure that out). I was a veterinary technician for about 5 years. And I have celiac disease (can't eat anything containing gluten, which comes from wheat, rye & barley).

Looking forward to participating in the chicken community!! Thanks!
right now i have 50 chicks (34 N.H.Reds and 16 ross) in brooder. and almost 25 chickens mostly RIR's. and have 29 EE's going to be here monday the 9th (chicks) i have had chickens for 29 years and that is what i do for fun. LOL glad to meet you william

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