
Country girl Dee

In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2020
I just found your site, sounds like a great way to meet others who love to raise chickens as much as I do! My name is Dee. I live in a VERY small town of 400 people with only about 200 living in the actual town, the other half are out in the fields on the outskirts. I've raised chickens for quite a few years but took a break when we sold the farm to put my husband through law school. He's graduated and we have moved back home to Washington State and purchased a home with a little bit of land. It's so good to be back home!! Our little chicks arrived this morning at the post office, they are settled in and are doing great! How wonderful to be a chicken mom again!
We ordered some Cinnamon Queens, Bantams, and Buff Orpingtons. The one rooster that was ordered is a Bantam. I have found them to be very sweet tempered and docile yet great with the hens and very protective.
It's good to be here. I look forward to "meeting" some of you!

Have a great day,
Country Girl Dee

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