Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

What breed of rabbits? I breed and show Netherland Dwarfs.
As for chickens..i only know of 1 guy in Poughkeepsie that i deal with..he has some beautiful birds! But i dont think he has RIR's.. He does have beautiful Wyandottes and Orpingtons, and some other breeds i cant remember right now lol

I just got off the phone with his son and he told me he has loinheads and flemish giants.
NY mason....does he have any pullets right now?

His son said he dose but hes not sure the breed/breeds.gotta give the father a call in the am to find out,I will let you know by tomorrow night.
what breeds are you looking for?
I got a nice 8wk old Golden comet from him last month that I am very happy with.
Also..has anyone grown cantaloupe? I planted cantaloupe weeks ago and it dosnt seem to be growing much....Dont know what im doing wrong
We ;t
We tried cantaloupe a few years ago...epic fail. It grew to the size of a tennis ball and fizzed out. I think there's too much clay in the soil in the HV area. Let's move to Florida and try again.
We tried cantaloupe a few years ago...epic fail. It grew to the size of a tennis ball and fizzed out. I think there's too much clay in the soil in the HV area. Let's move to Florida and try again.

Agreed! When are we going? Ill get packing!!! Lmao
Let's go ~~~~> !!!!!!!!!!! OH and...~~ rain rain go away! I'm going to start calling my coop "The Poop Coop". What a mess! I ran out of weekend !
Thank you! She had a great time. Her b/f is such a cutie and he puts up with her! Whoa~ I thought chickens weren't supposed to get wet? Mine don't mind the rain either. Crazy Chicks! Yesterday I noticed one of my brown leghorns has been keeping to herself. All the girls came out of the coop for their treats and she stayed inside. My DH noticed her foraging by herself later on, too. What's up with that?? She seems fine otherwise.
Laura Laura Laura~

THANK YOU!!!! so very much!
I finally had a chance to cook some of your eggs this weekend. NOW I know why people say they would never go back to store-bought! They definitely taste better. If I had to compare fresh vs. store-bought, I'd say store-bought eggs don't have a taste at all.

I was bored the other night so I started shopping on eBay. ((Very, very dangerous... ))
Lost the auction on a really nice antique egg basket that ended this morning. I thought maybe if I showed it to the girls it would give them a subtle hint that it might be time to start pushin' out an egg or two.

*Sigh* Just being my usual impatient self~
Thank you! She had a great time. Her b/f is such a cutie and he puts up with her! Whoa~I thought chickens weren't supposed to get wet? Mine don't mind the rain either. Crazy Chicks!Yesterday I noticed one of my brown leghorns has been keeping to herself. All the girls came out of the coop for their treats and she stayed inside. My DH noticed her foraging by herself later on, too. What's up with that?? She seems fine otherwise.

Hmmm...i have 2 wyandottes that forage by themselves..they are also the ones that get to close to the road.. Maybe she had a squable with somone she shouldnt have amd got knocked down the pecking order..she seems healthy tho, right? Not lethargic, no sneezing or anything?
Nope, she's not lethargic, nor is she showing any respiratory symptoms. Just unsocial. I'm going to keep an eye on her this afternoon and see what's up. Maybe we just caught her in a couple of quiet moments. I hope she's okay.

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