Huge egg something to worry about?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
One of my Production Reds laid a huge egg. Some of them have been laying for over a month, but all of the reds have been laying for about two weeks.

I just want to make sure something isn't wrong.
It had two large yolks.
The shell was paper thin, it cracked while I was washing it.
And the shell was also rough, and had ripples in it, no smooth sheen to it at all.
It is pictured with large to extra-large eggs.

Should I worry? Thanks!

All chickens need grit to aid in digestion, The grit is held in their gizzard and helps grind up everything they eat. Yorgurt is okay for chickens but not a substitute for grit. Hens need oyster shell to provide calcium to improve the egg shells.
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Yes, they have free-choice Oyster Shell, they eat layer crumbles and pellets. And I also bake and pulverize their shells and mix them into their feed.

We don't give them grit because we have everything from boulders to dust here.

All of the other shells are extremely strong, it was just this one that was paper thin, could it have been so thin because there was only so much shell material at that time to be spread to cover so much egg?

On another subject: is "opa" the Dutch grandpa "opa"?

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