Huge Mystery Birds in the trees in my yard, what are they....

Nope, 100% a turkey. No doubt. Turkeys can fly very well. Last fall I saw one while driving flying high over a main six lane highway. I knew turkeys could fly, I just never realized how well or how high they could fly.
Gobble Gobble Gobble!
I guess that the predators have been here all along, It's just now that I have chickens that I notice
every bird in the sky, tracks in the snow & dirt, poop on the ground and listen to all the far off sounds.
I'm growing into the head chicken or into a chicken
We have just started seeing turkeys in our part of N.C. in the last ten years. The first one I saw close came zipping over my head one day out in the horse pasture. Scared the #*$# outta me. They are very large birds. You got some great photos!
Looks a lot like the 6 wild turkeys that walk across my back lawn every morning. You think alpha roos are bad. You should see the alpha tom turkey go after the younger tom if he gets within 5 feed of the hens.

Guess I won't be throwing any treats out for the chicks. Food inside the coop only, or I'll have a MILLION turkeys in the yard.

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