Human thermometer ??

tony garza

In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Cross Plains, Tx

Visited a local (40 miles away) hatchery to buy some adult chickens. While I was there, I asked them how they keep the temps and humidity level constant. This is what they told me. The use the "wet bulb" method to test humidity and they were very nice to visually explain how that is done. I had read about it but no one had ever explained it to me in such a clear manner. As for temps, they use human thermometers attached to the plexiglass front of the incubator. They explained that these thermometers are very, very accurate. Along with the web bulb and human thermometers, they have an excellent hatch rate.

Anyone else use a human thermometer ????


Tony G
How big is your "local hatchery" ? Perhaps they have just a few cabinet bators with plexi doors so they can attach "human" thermomether (body temp thermometer?) to the plexi.

Big hatcheries hatch chicks in huge walk in rooms. There is no plexi to attach thermometer to.

I never tried body temp therm, but I am sceptical. They always show the "max" temp, then have to be shaken (reset)

Also will not measure air temperature, need to be in contact with something.

Perhaps it would work with water wiggler?

Who cares, there are other accurate thermometers to measure temp in bator.

Obviously you can not buy those in Wally world.
I bought an oral thermometer to try to calibrate a digital thermometer. I experienced the issues described by the earlier poster, meaning it did not work well. I decided to purchase a thermometer designed for an incubator. I am much happier.

Good Luck with your research!
I am sure there are other hobbyist who like to use the things they have at hand. I bought a digital "human thermometer" yesterday and it does measure air temp. Granted there is no high or low, but it does give me the current temp. I just stick it in a vent hole in my home made 'bator and see what I get. When you are first starting out one can never have too many thermometers. I have a mercury one that I am going to go and dig up and see what happens when I put it in there.

Yes I could order one and wait, and pay shipping, etc. but I like to use what I can get when I want it. (I think I am too old to be part of the NOW generation)

I don't care if they are a big hatchery, or a small one. They have hatched more than I have and are still in business so I appreciate knowing how they have mastered the art. Knowledge is never a bad thing, and I am always open to ideas and suggestions. IMO

Thank you Tony, for taking the time to share.

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