Humbling a rooster

It's been a few months and it's always either off or on with him. He's unpredictable but such a good boy for the girls. He's often with the single girl who is off foraging alone. We heard a noise in the direction of the coop and he went running to check on the girls in there. I'm reluctant to get rid of him for these reasons and hope he will chill out.
Many nice Roosters....I never chance aggressive behaviour...Turn your back or do something he deans wrong and he will attack again...
Lol, wish there was a video! I won't rain on your *parade*. Years ago I *rescued* a neglected game cock and he was big. I had no idea what a game cock was at the time. He paid me back by attacking me while I was bent over collecting eggs on lower nest boxes. All I can say is, after a few minutes of dust, dirt, broken eggs, and cuss words, he visited the freezer farm.
I always give aggressive roosters a couple of chances to improve their behavior, but if they keep being a hassle it's easier to either process them or sell them to someone who will. However, I would never take that risk if I had children around. Not worth it.
I agree jedjackson, children will be the first victim to a territorial roo. The kids don't realize the warning behavior and the roo thinks its an easy match.

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