Humidity fluctuations in incubator


10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
Arcadia, Florida
Hi, I'm incubating my first quail hatch (coturnix). The humidity has stayed between 51 and 58%, most often at 55%. Is this too low? I've been trying for 60% but it just isn't happening even with extra water added. I'm confused - I've read that 60% is the requirement but in the sticky at the top of this forum monarch23 says between 40 and 50 is just right. Please clarify. Thanks!
Jen is absolutely right that you will get a lot of different opinionson this. For whatever reasons, diferent people get different results with the same humidity. I suggest you keep decent records of what humidity and temperatures you had and use these links to help adjust your methods to get better hatches in the future.

Mississippi State Incubation Troubleshooting

Florida Incubation Troubleshooting

Humidity does not depend on the volume of water in the incubator but on the surface area. If you want to raise the humidity you need to find a way to increase the surface area. Maybe another bowl of water, maybe a sponge or cloth in the water?
For coturnix quail anything from 45-60% during incubation usually works fine. At lockdown go 70+%. As Ridgerunner stated its not volume of water that controls humidity its water surface area. The best supplimental way i have found is either wetting a disposeably diaper or a femine sanitary pad as these both offer great surface space as well as retain lots of water so there's less rewetting involved. Everytime you open your bator you will loose humidity--- keep this in mind.
Thanks for all the info and links, everybody! I'm only trying 12 eggs so there's plenty of room in there to increase the surface area of moisture. When I left this morning it was at 57% so tonight I'll put in a wet thingee to see what it goes up to - if it goes higher than 60% I'll take it back out, then at least I'll know what to do for hatch time.

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