humidity issues in one of those yellow lid plastic incubators

hobby chick

May 1, 2020
Hi everyone. Does anyone use one of these incubators? I am trying to raise my humidity for lockdown but even with water in all the trays i can't get above 60 -64% humidity. Adding more water just has it running out the overflow :(
Hi everyone. Does anyone use one of these incubators? I am trying to raise my humidity for lockdown but even with water in all the trays i can't get above 60 -64% humidity. Adding more water just has it running out the overflow :(
Plenty high enough in my opinion, especially if you don't have a salt tested humidity gauge.

Probably too high.
Are you using a separate hygrometer? You can put a warm wet sponge in and it will raise your humidity.
No, i actually ordered a hygrometer in the post because i was worried this might be reading wrong but the post is terrible at the moment. it's been almost two weeks and hasn't come. The sponge sounds like a good idea, thanks :)
Plenty high enough in my opinion, especially if you don't have a salt tested humidity gauge.

Probably too high.
Thanks Kiki. I really don't know how accurate the reading is. I'm worried it's incorrect and I'm drowning them, but until day 18 at around the 40 - 50% reading all the air cells looked about the right size, so I'm counting on that meaning it's not too far out. So 60ish is too high? There's so much confusing information. I've read to go as high as 75%. it's difficult to know when looking up random web articles how correct they are. What would you suggest? And thanks :)
Hi, I'm hatching chickens (araucanas) and the incubator is a JN8-48 Janoel brand.
Then your humidity is great! I wouldn't worry. :thumbsup
I incubate a lot of ducks, and I use a clean wet rag for lockdown. It's the only way I've found to keep the humidity up with the vent open.

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