Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Etc

I Love the Outdoors... Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Canoeing and absolutely love Camping. Nothing like sitting around a campfire with Friends and Family.

Any others here do any of these activities?
yo tengo las mismas aficiones la caza y la pesca mis mayores aficiones

por aqui me quedo viendo que tipo de pesca practicais por aqui
I went fishing today and a seasoned fisherman stopped by and we talked.. and apperently the whole meth deal was over 20 years ago... and it was bad because of that and the paper mill. but i guess lately they have cleaned it all up and its good eating. so Im hoping I can get a nice sized fish soon so I can try em.
I would like to do more camping and fishing, just never make the time to do it. We have a boat that hasn't hit the water in 5 years and a camper that hasn't been used for 6 years.

We bought a wall tent for hunting, so I get to tent at least one week of the year, but that is almost more like work than play. :)

Growing up, we would go to our cabin on the lake every weekend. Fishing, swimming, relaxing - ahh, the memories. It was a small, seven acre lake and we seemed to have the whole lake to ourselves. No motor boats, just lots of fish, turtles and wildlife. There were only three cabins on the lake.
I love it all. Just stupid work keeps getting in the way. Spent 2 years as a wilderness fishing guide on canoe trips in the BWCA. Best 2 summers of my life but hard to make a living at. Still make it up there for a week trip every year and sometimes a bonus weekend too. Seen some amazing country. Camped on a lake for 3 days one time, never saw another soul. Great fishing too. After day 3 we actually welcomed seeing a solo canoe paddling down the lake.
I love going down to the river and woods that surrounds the property here. Just the other day I went fishing with a friend (who is teaching me to get Northern Pike LOL!) and a large family of Canadian Geese came down the creek to the opening toward the river, they had little babies that were so cute!! I love looking at the wild plants like the ferns are flowers, finding animal tracks and just being in nature.
I went camping every year many times when i was younger with my dad and brother. Then we stopped for what ever reason. Im finally startng to get back into it. Got my boyfriend into being outside rather then sitting inside all the time. So this july we have a week camping trip lined up. Im hoping to have a kyack by then but who knows. Ive always fished but now I dont feel like paying for the fishing licance so I pretty much stopped fishing. We do have a fire ring set up made from an old loader rim down by the pond and thats the closest my dad wil get to camping now. Ive been going to hawk mountian for small day trips its a really great place to go.

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