Hur-ray for chickens!! My first egg!!


13 Years
Sep 22, 2009
Iron Ridge WI
I got my first egg today!!! I'm so happy and excited!! Here I was down watching chicken TV when my silkie/cochin mix Murry is running around, being loud, standing by the door of the coop. I was wondering "what is her problem?" She keep going to the nesting boxes and scratching around and moving hay acting like she was going to lay. I watched hoping she would do it while I was down there. It's gets dark here by 430 now and I assumed that I would not be getting eggs this year as she just turned 6months at the beginning of the month. Well she comes over to me at the door and is yelling at me and standing there waiting for me to open it. Fine, I let her out and into the barn she goes. I follow with curiosity. Sure enough there is a perfect golden egg in the middle of the goat pen were the horses and goats have been in and out of all day!! She goes right over and sits down on it. I felt guilty taking it from her. But I picked her up and took her back to the coop and gave her some scratch as a reward for doing what she does best! I had to share with everyone, for I know that BYC'ers are the only ones that truely understand the pride you have in your first egg! Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Congrats! Isn't it SUCH an awesome moment?

Out of curiosity how big is the egg and what color?

I might hatch a cochin/silkie cross or two next summer.... do you have pics of your girl?
UPDATE!! She has given me another one! She is a egg laying machine! 2 in one day and I found an egg shell in the pen so I'm thinking that maybe she layed one yesterday. I will have to be on the look out of eggs now. I'm doing my own egg dance today! Thanks everyone for the nice comments! The egg is a light brown. Standard cochin size. She is the best girl, very sweet and funny. Completely different personality for my other girls. Here is a pic of her egg and of her.

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