Hurt Chicken


In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2018
How do you deal with a chicken that has gotten hurt by a hawk ?
What medicines do you use to cure a hawk wound? So you just leave the chicken alone to survive the hawk wound.
Do you have any pictures? Look all over for any open or puncture wounds. Vetericyn Wound Spray is very good to use on wojnds twice a day. How is the chicken doing?
How do you deal with a chicken that has gotten hurt by a hawk ?
What medicines do you use to cure a hawk wound? So you just leave the chicken alone to survive the hawk wound.
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Can you provide some photos of the wounds?
You need to gather up your chicken and look it over very well to find all the wounds.
Rinse/flush the wounds with saline if you have that or you can use warm soapy water - rinse well.
You may want to cut feathers away from the wounds to keep them cleaner, then apply an triple antibiotic ointment to all the wounds.

Ideally she should be kept in a warm place on clean bedding until she heals. Keep flies from getting into the wounds.
Depending on the damage, it may be a good idea to administer antibiotics to prevent infection as well.

Keep her hydrated and let us know how she's doing.

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