Hurt duck foot cant walk on it


Jun 14, 2020
I have a duck that got an injury a while ago, we don't know what happened but suspect a turtle got her. We cleaned it up and kept her for a couple of days in our coop before letting her go back to the pond with our other ducks. A couple days later when we checked on her we saw it got worse and it has gotten to the point where she avoids walking and when she does she limps. We have been using some green epson gel (Durvet) cream on her toe and have been changing her dressing three times a day. What to do now that she's not getting better? We don't have access to a vet that will take her. We're worried it's infected and will spread to the rest of her foot. She has been walking fine with her webbing being cut and that isn't a problem it seems.


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I’m not an expert on duck injuries but it looks like it is filled with pus. I would try to open up the ball of pus and flush it with saline. I would then cut off the dead skin, continue to keep her out of the water, keep her foot wrapped, and apply triple antibiotic ointment regularly. After a week or two she should be walking normal again.
I’m not an expert on duck injuries but it looks like it is filled with pus. I would try to open up the ball of pus and flush it with saline. I would then cut off the dead skin, continue to keep her out of the water, keep her foot wrapped, and apply triple antibiotic ointment regularly. After a week or two she should be walking normal again.
Thank you I've been so stressed out about this whole ordeal
Do you have any antibiotics for the duck. Also I read that you have mallards. The pic on your profile....thats not a mallard. I didn't know if you knew that. I have those ducks as well and when I got them I was told they are mallars....they are rouens.
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