Hybrid Austra Chicken!


10 Years
Mar 26, 2009
This Austra Chicken is a hybrid between a Black Australorp Rooster and White Leghorn Hen. Anyone have these, or know anything about them? They say the are a prolific layer. I've found a few websites that sale them, i'm very curious! Your thoughts.
Those are adorable
I bought a few on a lark. Mine were called Austra Whites.

This is their first winter. No lights. No heat. Open front coop. In top half of country. No snow. I have been counting for 22 days and they have laid 18 days out of 22. 81.8% Rate of Lay. 18% layer feed (w/ animal protein and no soy) free choice plus free choice scratch and kitchen scraps now and then which probably is a few bites at the most. Rooster with them and the other hens. Let out to large run or free range in afternoon. A little more skiddish than Wyandottes or New Hampshires, but not too bad. They don't freak out in the coop if I walk past them, but they don't stand on the roost to let me pet them or give them treats like the d'Uccles do. The eggs are right on the verge of large and are just barely off white. They are probably my loudest hens at egg laying time. The make quite a fuss.

I like them.
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I had them when I was a kid 40+ years ago, selling eggs to the local grocery store for spending money.
Good layers, not as flighty as leghorns, better feed conversion than my white rocks.
a couple went broody (out of 50) they hatched but didn't mother.
They are bigger than leghorns so the roos made better fryers old hens better stewers
stood the cold weather well, all in all they were good practical chickens.
they were one of the first crossbred hatchery chickens I think
- Walt

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