Hybrids... Just a friendly Conversation please.

I am so sorry if i offended you. I just wanted to show some insight from a different perspective. Your post was very informative and helped clarify for many people.
From the Biology-Online Dictionary, seems to support the "You're ALL correct." theory


noun, plural form: hybrids

(general) Any of mixed origin or composition, or the combination of two or more different things.

(biology) An offspring resulting from the cross between parents of different species or sub-species.

(molecular biology) A complex formed by joining two complementary strands of nucleic acids.


Of or pertaining to the offspring produced from crossbreeding.


(biology): For instance, a mule is an animal produced by breeding animals of different breeds, particularly a cross between a horse and a donkey. Different types of hybrids:
*Single cross hybrid – first generation of offspring resulting from a cross between pure bred parents
*Double cross hybrid - offspring resulting from a cross between two hybrids of single cross
*Three-way cross hybrid – offspring from a cross between a single cross hybrid and an inbred line
*Triple cross hybrid - offspring resulting from the crossing of two different three-way cross hybrids
*Population hybrid – offspring resulting from the crossing of plants or animals in a population with another population. For instance, a cross between difference races

Word origin: L hybrida, hibrida, a crossbred animal.

Related forms: hybridize or hybridise (verb), hybridization (noun).
Related terms: hybrid speciation.
No dont worry!
I went and found this.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_(biology) even though it is wikipedia... Once I realized I had no clue what it means and dont really feel like looking it up right now(lol.. Biology was never a strong point. Dropped the class after the second lecture when I was in college.) I figured I'd step out while I could and before I ruffled any feathers..
Actually, that's another excellent link!

I don't think anyone's feathers are ruffled, we're all just in it for the clarifications.

So what was the original question???? I forget....

TRUE Hybrid , very few are fetile so im see nothing wrong in making them....i agree crossbreeding is a cross like macaw to macaw, peafowl to peafowl, hybrids are chicken and pheasant cross, lion and tiger cross, zebra and horse cross. peafowl and guinea, cattle and bisons which all have been bred ,offspring all non fertile.

trouble with words being cchanged over the year..cross of breed, like rock x cornish = hybrid(not true hybrid)

what is a mouse now aday...or the webb.........get my point

true hybrids...and a fox and wolf cross would be hybrid

by that reason guess any humans that produce childern of two races they would be hybrid...NOT

Ok now yes i'm for true hybrid as most can't reproduce so no danger to the pure stock.

Mules being one , they are more hard working than a horse and stronger than a donkey.

look up hybrid animals..it will not be a cross of a leghorn and a barred rock.
I wasnt a fan of biology either. I only remember the hybrid thing because i thought of the dictionary definition as well. However after minutes of belittlment for my answer I quickly picked up the biology version.
You were unfairly belittled!

When words are used for many different but similar things, even within the sciences (biology vs. genetics vs. animal husbandry vs. molecular biology) it doesn't mean that any of the definitions are wrong. It just means we need to clarify what we mean and put it in context.

You were belittled for being right. They are the ones that erred, by not clarifying their intentions of which definition was needed.
no matter what word we use , there is a different from cross breeding with in the same group like chicken, and breeding two differnt groups.like chicken to pheasant.

sure not wanting to go off topic...but the subject can be different it the offspring can reproduce then alot of harm could be done , like the op macaws...reason he got a bad time on the other forum , people are concern if the wild flocks are lost...there will not be and pure to carry on the line.

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