HYPOTHETICAL DISCUSSION: What to feed your chickens when we can't buy chicken feed anymore

For increased protein for your birds, also consider growing your own mealworms (never-ending supply once you get the initial batch - lots of good threads on BYC covering the how to details) and don't forget your compost pile - it's a great source of bugs for the chickens too. During the winter, we often get a tractor scoop full of hot compost and dump it into the chicken run - it is full of grubs and lots of other treats for the chickens and they get to warm their toes while digging around in it. Some folks even use the deep litter method in their runs so you don't have to move the compost - and the chickens help aerate it and speed the decomposition process. Plenty of added fertility for your soil in spring so you can keep growing more goodies.
You're right Walking. I worded it badly...I meant to cut as soon as the first blooms start to show anywhere. My bad...thanks for pointing that out! CO is a huge alfalfa state since our soil is quite alkaline...can't do blueberries but the alfalfa grows like crazy! We can actually buy it here for a reasonable price but it's nice to know that it hasn't been sprayed and such.

Thanks also, Blessed! That's great info :)

You do grow nice alfalfa in CO. We have some of it trucked to Ohio. :)
What kills me is that, while yes more cities are getting chicken friendly, no one is rooster friendly. So great, you can have a few chickens and get fresh eggs. 2 sources of protein that you have in a bind... but what happens when the hens stop laying?? Or the chickens get eaten? Can't make more without a rooster. I just don't think they are that noisy. Sure they crow now and then but really??? My neighbors dog is way more annoying.

Since this thread is about what to do if the revolution/swine flu/plague/etc. comes and you can't buy chicken feed any more, I would bet that local authorities (if the gov't still existed) would be more worried about other things. In the event of the apocalypse, you have my permission to keep as many roosters as you'd like.
I did not read through all the posts - I just read the OP. It is an interesting question. I've been keeping mostly chubby dual purpose breeds, but have wondered if it would be possible to keep more rugged, active, alert, slender bodied birds, without providing chicken feed. I have a hamburg, for example, a very active forager, who eats very little. I bet she could meet her nutritional requirements, or at least come close, with nothing more than free range forage, and whatever she can find in our compost bins of yard, garden, and kitchen waste. And, she'd be safer than my other breeds, because she's so alert, quick to detect predators, able to fly well (even onto the roof), and is well camouflaged in her brownish plumage (golden pencilled). The meat is sparse, but if I was in dire straits and needed meat, I'd probably hunt the rabbits, turkeys, geese, and deer which are abundant around here, rather than raise chickens.
For increased protein for your birds, also consider growing your own mealworms (never-ending supply once you get the initial batch - lots of good threads on BYC covering the how to details) and don't forget your compost pile - it's a great source of bugs for the chickens too. During the winter, we often get a tractor scoop full of hot compost and dump it into the chicken run - it is full of grubs and lots of other treats for the chickens and they get to warm their toes while digging around in it. Some folks even use the deep litter method in their runs so you don't have to move the compost - and the chickens help aerate it and speed the decomposition process. Plenty of added fertility for your soil in spring so you can keep growing more goodies.

I've been seriously thinking about farming mealworms in my house ...in one of those stacked plastic drawer thingies.
The only drawback for me would be how would house-sitters take to it. I have to get past the 'shivers'. (just had one thinking about it) but hey...anything for the chickens, right?

PS Love the pic of your cat. Looks like my 17 y.o. torty-callie-6-toed Mittens.
I've been seriously thinking about farming mealworms in my house ...in one of those stacked plastic drawer thingies.
The only drawback for me would be how would house-sitters take to it. I have to get past the 'shivers'. (just had one thinking about it) but hey...anything for the chickens, right?

PS Love the pic of your cat. Looks like my 17 y.o. torty-callie-6-toed Mittens.
"Anything for the chickens" is right - I never, ever in a million years thought I would grab a bucket and wave madly at my husband to stop turning the compost pile with a bucket....and then run out there and pick up grubs..... with my bare hands....just so the chickens could have a treat. My mother certainly did NOT bring me up to do such things.

Thanks for noticing my avatar - his name is Boris, and he is a black/chocolate brown long-haired gem of a cat - smart, opinionated, and highly energetic.
"Anything for the chickens" is right - I never, ever in a million years thought I would grab a bucket and wave madly at my husband to stop turning the compost pile with a bucket....and then run out there and pick up grubs..... with my bare hands....just so the chickens could have a treat. My mother certainly did NOT bring me up to do such things.

Thanks for noticing my avatar - his name is Boris, and he is a black/chocolate brown long-haired gem of a cat - smart, opinionated, and highly energetic.

I know what you mean. Never thought I could be glad for bugs and moths, either.
Mine like passion fruit and passion fruit plants love chicken poop. PUss they are absolutely beautiful and grow nicely up the side of the chicken pin

Wish we could grow things through the winter but we have a very short growing season here in zone 2.

I would like to direct anyone who has an interest in alternatives for store-bought feed to this thread I've discovered that has been around for some time. I'm sure we'll pick up some great ideas there as well. Thanks to all who contributed here. Time to get "inventive" !


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