I’m excited to be here!


In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
I have been working toward raising chickens for over 5 years.
have 22 chickens of many various breeds including;
Buff orpington
French black copper maran
Salmon favorelles
Prairie Bluebell eggers
Speckled Sussex
Barred rock
I find them all amazing! They have such different personalities, are playful, love critical thinking activities and blueberries.
I am a geologist turned teacher. My husband and I have 2 grown children and 10 kids...well GOAT KIDS. I have always been goat crazy.
We also have have several dogs (Pyrenees) and cats.
I enjoy making goat milk soap and Incubating chicken eggs.
i am interested in adding Black Penedesenca in order to help keep this beautiful breed healthy.
I completely understand being goat crazy! We had two boys that we sadly lost to UC, but man did they steal my heart ❤. Welcome to the group! Everyone here is so helpful, supportive and nice from what I've seen 😊
I’m sorry about your boys. They are like a group of silly 4 year olds. 😂
Thank you for the welcome. I’m excited to learn from so many chicken 🐓 lovers. 💛

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