I’m new


In the Brooder
May 17, 2019
Hi everyone. I’m really glad that we have this forum to discuss our flocks and learn. My husband and I love our birds. We have 8 chickens- a mixed flock of 8 different breeds. We are also just getting into quail. We someday want to have a small farm where we can have all the animals we want, but right now, the most we can have is 12 hens.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens :frow:welcome
hello @CHickMama4 ! welcome to BYC :frow
what breeds have you got?
We have a light Brahma named Henny Penny, a light ameraucana named Henrietta, a turken named Turkey, a Russian Orlaff named Rush, a red sexlink named Little Red, a New Jersey Giant named Big Chill, a White crested Black Polish Mamés Mohawk, and a French Houdan named Houdini.
Hello and welcome to BYC. I hope that you enjoy your time here.

This is a useful link of “How to” BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3. I’d suggest including your location using the guide in the link. You can use this link to contact members in your area - Find your State's thread.

Best wishes

Pork Pie

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