I almost shot a possum

if you can i would trap and then shoot it. (i don't have possums here)

but really to the OP your going to "boil it" or torture it? come on, grow up. its a living animal doing what it needs to do to survive. that is just mean and cruel plus most likely illegal.

and no am not some let all the animals live kinda guy. am a hunter and trapper but know that every thing deserves a humane death.
That was nice compared to what I was gonna say about someone who enjoys torturing small animals by setting them on fire. If you're gonna kill a predator, do it quickly and don't take joy in it. There is no need to set a predator on fire so it suffers, they are just doing what they are made to do in order to survive.
And I'm just doing what I need to protect my chickens. It crossed onto my territory and invaded the security of my chickens. Major offense right there
if you can i would trap and then shoot it. (i don't have possums here)

but really to the OP your going to "boil it" or torture it? come on, grow up. its a living animal doing what it needs to do to survive. that is just mean and cruel plus most likely illegal.

and no am not some let all the animals live kinda guy. am a hunter and trapper but know that every thing deserves a humane death.
im killing predators not bunnies
ALSO I'm not hunting it down to torture the thing. That was mostly said out of anger for what it did. I'm not saying I wouldn't if it had killed my chickens but since they're still alive I'm not too set on catching it
If guns are not an option for whatever reason, I'll share my method of dispatching vermin in a trap for your consideration of personal use.

I have horrible creatures known as mongoose where I live. They breed like wildfire, kill chicks and adults alike, steal food and eggs. There are so many of them that sometimes minutes after killing one I'd set the trap and already have another.

I sure as hell wasnt going to risk damaging my trap with bullets over these disgusting viscous things, so I opted for a less expensive option - a sharpened stick. They're fond of hissing and opening their mouths wide at you when they are cornered (as are possums). They'll gladly bite the stick, which helps me line it up to jam it in one forceful movement through the back of its neck and breaking its vertebrae. They expire within a few seconds.

I'm glad to hear you're intent on killing the possum. Releasing it somewhere else just means you are dumping the problem on someone else and the surrounding wildlife now has to deal with the awful creature. Not to mention a lot of "redistributed" predatory creatures find their way home and come RIGHT back.

Throw its corpse in the compost and let your birds eat the maggots - it's most satisfying turning of the tables both for the protecting owner and the bug-loving chooks.
PS, glad your birds appeared ok. I would highly recommend a thorough exam of each during daylight so you can know for certain. Sometimes the fluff can hide terrible gashes and puncture wounds.

Best of luck, and I hope you catch that bloody thing soon.

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