I am a Flock Master now...


Flock Mistress
10 Years
Apr 15, 2009
...but I'd really like to be a Flock Mistress. Would that be possible? I was so looking forward to becoming one, but BYC seems to think I am a man so has thwarted my dream of eventually becoming a Flock Mistress. I kept hoping it was going to miraculously change on it's own, but since it hasn't happened yet I decided to take a slightly more proactive approach.

May I please be a Flock Mistress?

/love the way it sounds. Flock. Mistress.
/so much more impressive than "Chicken Drudge" which is how I usually describe myself.
looks like you got it

Congratulations on your advancement! And, as a lady too, I agree with your request to become a Flock Mistress! Hear her! Hear her!

Thanks for all your help to me since I've been on the forum. Your title is well-deserved!
Congradulations! I now know you can have a sex change over the internet. LOL But really, nice job and keep posting I love reading all of your advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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