I am a new duck mom and pretty much in love.

Jun 16, 2022
Columbia, SC
These runner and khaki Campbell ducks are so entertaining. They make me laugh every day. The way they communicate with me and with each other.šŸ˜


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I absolutely love runner ducks I had a few of them until a raccoon decided to massacre my flock of chickens and ducks. Super awesome that you have some though! Good luck with the little duckies šŸ˜ƒ
Thank you so much. I can actually relate. I had a raccoon invade and kill one of my silkies and the next night one of my astralorps. I was devastated. I "recooped," as they say, a year later. I reinforced the old coop with hard cloth and a gazillion wire ties. Set traps and did exterminate a raccoon too. Awful creatures.
Thank you so much. I can actually relate. I had a raccoon invade and kill one of my silkies and the next night one of my astralorps. I was devastated. I "recooped," as they say, a year later. I reinforced the old coop with hard cloth and a gazillion wire ties. Set traps and did exterminate a raccoon too. Awful creatures.
Yes the next night we heard 2 raccoons fighting from our large tree in the front yard and shot them both and had no more raccoon casualties after that, I have no heart for raccoons still to this day because of who they killed.

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