I am frustrated.


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
I have had chickens for about a year, and never had anyone go broody.

I have only had pigeons go broody.

Please keep your fingers crossed, even PRAY for me to get a broody hen, I have the hatching fever so bad and I beleive mixes of my roos and hens would make beautiful offspring!!

I am looking so foward to getting one.

Anyone have reasons why NONE of my flock have went broody? Any reasons that could effect a hen going broody?
find somebody in your neighborhood with Buff Orpingtons

I would give you a broody if you want to come to wisc and pick her up. I have 55 hens and usually have at least 6 broody all the time.

the 3 year olds are the best..

I can't keep them from going broody..
I'm sorry. I have a Silkie who I've raised from chickhood and has been in my flock for two years. Not once has she gone successfully broody and stayed that way until I have had to break her. So, now I have no first-hand proof that Silkies are the fierce protectors that others claim them to be.

I'm rooting for you!
Leave gold balls in the nests to tempt them.
Your game hen might be your best bet for a broody. I had one years ago that was the best mother hen I have ever seen- she raised eggs from most of my other chickens and would even take in small chicks that the other hens abandoned. I guess she would have hatched snake eggs if someone would have put them under her. She always seemed to get broody in the spring too so good luck!
In our larger pen we have 2 nest boxes that are secluded from the rest, one is strapped up high, the other is in a corner. We have a bantam RIW who lays in the high nest and every afternoon we swap her fresh egg with a RIRs egg until she has 7 up there, she usually lays about 5 more then she's sitting. She hatches 7 every set. It's the same in the other box, our hens won't go broody until they've layed what they think is a nest full of eggs. Maybe try a couple of golf balls in each nest box, and skip a few days on gathering eggs to see if something doesn't trigger. Good luck.

sorry about the other duplicate posts, I didn't think it was going through, then POW, there they were.
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In our larger pen we have 2 nest boxes that are secluded from the rest, one is strapped up high, the other is in a corner. We have a bantam RIW who lays in the high nest and every afternoon we swap her fresh egg with a RIRs egg until she has 7 up there, she usually lays about 5 more then she's sitting. She hatches 7 every set. It's the same in the other box, our hens won't go broody until they've layed what they think is a nest full of eggs. Maybe try a couple of golf balls in each nest box, and skip a few days on gathering eggs to see if something doesn't trigger. Good luck.
In our larger pen we have 2 nest boxes that are secluded from the rest, one is strapped up high, the other is in a corner. We have a bantam RIW who lays in the high nest and every afternoon we swap her fresh egg with a RIRs egg until she has 7 up there, she usually lays about 5 more then she's sitting. She hatches 7 every set. It's the same in the other box, our hens won't go broody until they've layed what they think is a nest full of eggs. Maybe try a couple of golf balls in each nest box, and skip a few days on gathering eggs to see if something doesn't trigger. Good luck.

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