I am interested in have chickens and ducks


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2020
I am interesting in getting some chicken and ducks and raising them together.. the coop is almost done and it’s that tome of year so I am looking to get the chicks and ducklings in the next couple of weeks. Have some anxiety about this because I don’t know how big of box I will need to put the chicks and ducklings in until they can go into a coop. And I’m trying to decide on what breed to get I know I want chickens that lay blue eggs and some cute ducks... please give me any and all suggestions you have on getting started with these fun things!!
Easter Eggers and Cream Legbars are two really good breeds that lay blue eggs, Cackle hatchery also has a page dedicated to colored egg layer so you can look there. Depending on how many you get you can keep them in a Tupperware tub for the first couple days or weeks. You can also portion off a section of your garage or coop with wood or cardboard and then increase the size as you chicks grow.
Do you already have a coop built?
Might be able to keep them there instead of a brooder.
Chickens and ducks are often better off being kept separate,
different housing needs and ducks and their water can be a problem for the chickens.

Oh, and...... Welcome to BYC! @aaungier
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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