I am new to this!! Please help!!

I was wondering how old they have to be before they swim
they can swim as young a one week if the water is only up to their bodies where they can stand and it's nice and warm and warm in the room where you have them in the water, usually 5-10 mins to start taking them out and patting dry and putting them straight back under heat lamp to finish drying. They will love it and you'll have a blast watching.
UPDATE ARROURA- she has made friends with a baby bunny who is also being fostered! The family loves her very much and she will live the rest of her life with her chicken friends!

QUESTION- I let bailey swim in the bath and when I took her her out of the bath her rump looked kinda hairless is this normal she is 8 days now?
Looks like she is starting to lose some of her baby down. They can look pretty bald especially after a bath. Always make sure they have nice warm water to bath in so they don't chill.
Ok I need all of your help. My pekin Bailey is 10 days old she started to look bald on her rump and now she is blab by the back of her neck. No bugs are present and my mallard does not have any baldness. What could this be? Should I be worried?

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