I am so angry...a rant. *UPDATE @ POST 13*

It took me a while before I begin to actively trap. I could only act as armed guard during free range for a limited time. I ended up building a large run and trapping to deal with predation. (and still get Aerial predation and night-time opportunism)
I have been wandering around my house all day, stewing about the loss of my duck, Too. The waterfowl is all upset at having to be locked up, so each time I go outside I get an earful of their griping. My goose, Frenchie, is especially distressed because Too was her closest companion, so she has been screaming her head off all morning. She was especially loud a few minutes ago, so I went outside to make sure nothing was amiss.

I was STUNNED to see Too walking around outside the fence. Absolutely untouched. Not a feather out of place. She was quacking madly about not being able to get into the duck yard and Frenchie was screeching at the top her lungs trying to get Too into the yard. It was a couple minutes of very happy madness. Too has been reunited with the flock, and is chowing down on some treats as I post this.

I have no idea where she could have possibly been. I am thrilled she is back. I am shocked that she survived the night out in the open. I am thrilled she is back. I am hopeful that all the work I did to remove the heavy brush on my neighbor's land is going to prove an effective deterrent to the predation issues I am having. Have I mentioned I am thrilled she is back?

My day suddenly got about 10X better.
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I'm glad she came back.
Sorry you are having trouble.

You are a great resource here on BYC.

I, too, am sorry it's been such a bad year for you, and am likewise thrilled that you have your lucky ducky Too back in the flock. Just so you know, I always enjoy the knowledge, candor and thoughtfulness you put in your posts. Hope things improve for you and good trapping!

P.S. "...tossed into a sack with a handful of angry cats..." LOL!! (Sorry, but that was funny!)
I'm so happy for you that your duck returned! I'm so grateful that my chickens/ducks seem to have no interest in leaving the yard. I would worry my head off if any were missing.

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