I am so new to chickens and BYC...can I get some help on what breed and gender this chick is??

If it will make you feel better, I also was about to say it was a rooster. And then read it was a hen.
If it will make you feel better, I also was about to say it was a rooster. And then read it was a hen.

LOL trust me. My wife and I went back and forth for about a week and then finally boxed "him" up and took him to the farm we got "him" from. At that point she was about 12 weeks old. The lady convinced us to wait a little longer explaining how difficult EEs could be. About 5 weeks after that a blue egg appeared in a nesting box... well whadaya know.. LOL. Glad we didn't get rid of her but she is one of my boss hens. Routinely kicks others out of HER nesting box.

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