I am such a softee !!!

let the eggs rest for 24 hrs.
i would use the water channels.
for incubation humidity only needs to be 30-40 %
at lockdown it need to be 70-80%
Eggs have all arrived (60 of them) some yesterday some today...I had planned on laying them down and hand turning everything,,,after looking at some of the air cells, wondering if it would be better to stand them up....I would like to set them either friday night or saturday, Is that to long to let them sit???
candled the duck eggs today (day 10) beginning to think I over did it......set 60 figuring they would be hard to hatch and also being shipped eggs.......Ditched 1 that looked like a bomb, can see swimming embryo's in about 3/4 of them.....that is alot of ducks.......I have them upright in cartons because of bad air cells and instead of turning I have blocks under the incubator that I move,...should I eventually lay them on their sides or just leave in cartons???

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