I am trying to catch my rooster

Kuntry Klucker

12 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Tennesee Smoky Mts.
I am trying to catch my rooster. I am so far not having any luck.
I am new at chickens and I guess do not really know what to
expect when catching one.

Will my rooster go into attack mode while I am trying
to catch him and attack me.

What will he do when I corner him and attempt to reach
for him?
Wait until it's dark, and then you can just pick him right up. He'll be pretty docile after dark.
Okay, where he roosts is a very tight spot, he is roosting under a big tree in the corner of the yard.
It is a vary tight spot for a human to squeeze into, that is probably why he likes it. What will his
reaction be when I reach for him at night. will is startle him and cause him to go into attack mode
and attack me. How do chicken respond to being grabbed at night?

I am new at chickens and don't know some of the basics yet.
easiest thing will be to make sure you pin the wings to the body when you go in the the pick up, once hes in the air, if he gets a chance tostart flapping it will make it harder for you to hold onto and much more stressful for the bird, also how old is he. most of my younder roos are the ones that will eat from my hand while everyone else waits for the throw. but there shouldnt be much of an issue with an "attck mode" if there is, then hes probably not a very gentlye roo with his hens either, and that may cause some problems later.
Daaaark....real dark, don't be tippy-toeing out there at dusk

Go out there with a flash light turned off. Having an body to help you is good, but not necessary. Use the light to judge where the lil turkey is, off and on, when you get there. Walk up behind or beside him, scoop him up.

No matter the time of day, if I grab a chicken I GRAB a chicken. Fast!

Best thing to do is focus and aim on one leg, works well.
Night though, they just sit still and brwock a little. Maybe shift their feet. Make sure no outside lights are on to blow your cover.

What you gonna do with him?

Oh yeah, you can pin him to the ground too, that works. And usually (99%) no chicken will attack anything if they can't see......and their night vision sucks. If you do grab a leg, just lay him on his tummy, pin him, pick him up. Laying a chicken on the ground is easy, they cooperate well, if you've got a leg or two.
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He is a young one and for the most part keeps his distance from me. He is sleeping under a big tree in our backyard and I
want to move him to the coop so he knows that is where I want him to sleep. What I mean by attack mode is... I have never
caught a chicken before and have no idea how he will react to being caught. Well he hear me walk up to him before
I even have a chance to grab him and get startled and start to attack because he thinks I am a predator or something
like that. What does a chicken do when you approach them at night? Are they completely knocked out and do not hear
a thing, would he even know what happened or what is happening. Do I need to be cautious of anything in attempting
to grab him while he is sleeping?

thanks, Sorry for all the questions, but I know so little.
I corner mine and move in fast. The trick is to grab them in such a way that you pin the wings to their body. Then tuck him under your arm.

Some people use fishing nets, some grab them by their legs. I have pretty good luck with my method and nobody gets hurt.
He'll be awake, he'll hear you, he'll turn his head and stare in your direction with his beady yellow eyes, when you flash the light to find him.

It's easier than you might think, stupid easy really. The first time my hubby showed me how to catch a chicken after dark, I didn't believe him. We walked right up to my hens, he said pick one up, I did. All I said was "Chickens are so stupid!''

Stupid easy.
Hi Roy! it also depends on their age, a younger roo isn't as likely to spur, or attack. I agree with the others, when it is dark we can even pick up our crazy Egyptian Fayoumis with no problems

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