I am very sad... :(


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
This morning at 8:30 my mom took Bailey to be put down...
It's time though, he was ready, he's 13. He was in pain, had a bump on his back and a huge lump/mass on his leg, had worms again (i no those 2 are kinda gross so maybe i shouldnt share but i am just stating the reasons why we put him down) we like just found out a few days ago, he's old, and my relatives our coming tommorow, So it was time. His mind was still a young puppy and he was a pup at heart still but his body just couldnt take it anymore at least in dog heaven he will be happy and free... he lived a good life and now its his time to go and he will be greatly missed R.I.P Bailey Bailey was the best dog ever, he was more than "just a dog", he was family. His love and devotion was never ending, it was unconditional love and devotion. You give your heart to him and he gives you his as well as 10x as much love. He did some good and great things, as well as some not so great things. At the time we may have gotten mad but now looking back we see that it was actually quite funny and normal for a Lab. Bailey was a best friend, a colleague, a brother, a teacher, a helper, a friend, someone to talk to, a felllow "trouble maker", a partner in crime, a ham, a clown, and so much more. Bailey you have meant so much to us, to me, more than you will ever know. We love you and miss you. Wait for us at rainbow bridge, we will meet you there some day but until then have fun in doggie heaven and say hi to Higgens for us. We love you and miss you. And we will always love you. R.I.P Bailey You were the greatest dog alive, and the best dog any one could ever ask for.
Bailey you have done some pretty crazy things that we yelled and got mad at you for at the time but is now quite funny like when you ate that whole ham and when you chewed up Grannie's fur coat. lol. good times, good times. You have fun in dog heaven Bailey and you can have any thing you want, if you want a dog bone the size of a football field then you got it buddy haha lol. We will forever love and miss you. R.I.P Bailey
I'm sorry to hear that you had to put him down but you are right... it sounded like it was the best for him at this time.

We had to put our ten year old Newfoundland down a few weeks ago... it's never easy but helps knowing that they aren't in pain or suffering anymore.
yeah you're right I really do think it was time and was the best for him. Thanks. and I am sorry about your dog too. was something wrong with him or just old? either way I am sorry. and thanks. I miss him already. my mom said he was actually good this time (usually he whines and cries and struggles whenever he goes to the vets cuz he loves everybody but hates the smell.) and he just layed down on the blanket on the floor and just went to sleep quickly with his tennis balls in betweeen his paws. he didnt know what was coming which is what killed me but its probably better that way. Although I do think it was time and he knew it. My mom told them to keep the tennis balls with him and I told her to keep the collar so she did, so we kept the collar and leash. I think he will like doggie heaven. There's loads of dogs to play with, and squirlls/animals to chase (and cats to chase haha lol), and tennis balls and toys to play with, and lakes/water to play in, and kids to play with, and anything and everything he could ever want, and he will be free and painfree and young again and he can run and play and just have fun and have a great time (that's what I told him). and hey maybe he can play with your dog and see/play with his parents and/or siblings and our other/old dog Higgens as well as many other dogs. and he will have fun.
oh and here is my pet story I saved it so I just copied and pasted it from the word document so I don't have to type it out again cuz it's pretty long. anyways here it is:

I have a 13 yr old neutered male Yellow Lab (dog) named Bailey, a 7 yr old neutered male cat named Mittens, a parakeet named Buffy (idk how old), and a 2 yr old male rabbit named Beanie (whom I got on Saturday June 13 this year from a little local pet store, the boy who had him played sports and did not have time for him so that's y he was there). My cat we got as a kitten with his brother Fluffy Tiger from a cat lady in Marshfield who found them in a garbage bag in the back of a resteraunt. And my dog we got from some lady who kept him in a fenced in backyard and they never played with him and the kids were afraid of him. And my mom called the lady and she said that he wasnt supposed to be in the paper till the next day and to get him tommorow but my mom insisted, saying that he might be gone tommorow so the lady said you're right you can come get him today. So we went and got him that day when he was a year, almost 2 for free. And then the bird we just bought at the pet store March 31 this year for my birthday. And all of my pets are the best pets that anyone could ever ask for. And I like to think that we rescued them all (well except for maybe the bird) and they are the best. You know I think pets really do know when they have been rescued and seem to love you 10 times as much for it. Sorry I am rambling on, I just love telling the story so much cuz it is such a good/great/heartwarming story.

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