I can’t handle losing my pets.

It always amazes me what some people do and say. If only they'd put themselves in the others place and ask themselves how they would like to be treated.

We have eight dogs. Most of them I take for free walks every day where there is birds. They ignore the birds as they run loose. We have one dog that is not safe with the birds.
He doesn't run free unless all the birds are locked up.
I did have a hen that died of a broken heart ...

OP didn't post for a solution but for sympathy. Husband's tendency is to offer a solution to a wife's problem instead of keeping their (husband) pie hole shut and offer a shoulder to cry on instead. I've been married for 45 years (yes to the same lady) and it only took me 40 years to figure this part out.
This is not a thread of whether you should own dogs or chickens, or whether dogs really love their owners. It’s an opportunity to comfort someone who’s going through a rough time after losing loved pets.
You are right; we have lost track of what this thread is about. My apology and again I am sorry for the lose.
My dog can open the fridge too. They can be very smart when with the right people.
That's true. One time I had relatives sleeping over and they didn't open the patio door for my dog to go 'potty'..... so when morning came I went to the bathroom and saw a poop right next to the toilet. At first I questioned if it was my aunt who left the surprise there but quickly figured it wasn't......... or was it?
OK. How does a dog open the bathroom door...... and then proceed to open the cages?

They are big dogs and the door isn’t great.
I'm sorry for you. It is hard when pets die, I've had two very special hens that have passed away, and many more besides. How I've learned to deal with it is cry if you have to, get support, and learn from any mistakes. Busying yourself can help. How do you think the dogs got in there? I know the bathroom was warm, but could you find another room and put them in a brooder? Once you have a plan for next time, you can get more chickens. Or maybe it's best to not get more, it depends. You do have to except that chickens will die sometimes. You can name another chicken after them if they had names.

Yes we moved them to the guest room and luckily the heat lamps didn’t break. It has a newer door that’s hard for me to open sometimes.
That is a terrible thing that happened to your little friends. You should not take your dog to the pound like some may suggest. I hope you get through this OK, keep your head up!

I don’t blame my dogs. They are my babies too and they were bred by humans to be that way. All my pets have spent their entire lives with me.
I had 22 chicks and 3 ducklings in cages in our restroom (warmest room in the house) with the door closed. While we were gone the dogs found a way in and found 25 squeaky toys. I only had them a short time but I am heartbroken. I get attached so quickly. The duckling has imprinted on me already. I can’t leave work but all I want to do is lay in bed and cry. How do you deal with your losses?
I am so sorry. :hugs

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