I can believe I did it!

Brody's Broodello

12 Years
Jan 9, 2009
Ok they must be something Really wrong with me. I just set 160 eggs in the incubator tonight. I have filled all my trays and You Know exactly what the girls will do to me tomorrow. Yep more eggs! I remember when we first got them, I was like, please just give me one little egg. I pleaded with them. Then it was,please just one little fertile egg. Now it's, give me a BREAK. Don't you little H@seB@gs take a break! The bad part is I'm getting such nice babies, I know if I don't hatch it, it will be a Porcelain or Lavender silkie chick that get's chucked in the trash. It's the doggone unknown that get's me everytime. The only up side is I have so many really nice silkies to sell, but then again, they could be really nice silkies for us to show. DAG THEM!!! What is a hatching addict to do???? There are also a few wyandottes in that bunch, but not enough to really count.
That's a whole lotta eggs!! Have fun with all them babies!!

I called M@m@2four tonight to tell her of my egg issue. She just laughed at me,I told her that it was not nice to laugh at your friends. Then she reminded me that I'm always laughing at her! That is so true! lol I just might have to do an "Dare i say It!" an Egg Auction. Yikes!
Brody's Broodello :

I called M@m@2four tonight to tell her of my egg issue. She just laughed at me,I told her that it was not nice to laugh at your friends. Then she reminded me that I'm always laughing at her! That is so true! lol I just might have to do an "Dare i say It!" an Egg Auction. Yikes!

You can do it!
Send me a pm ahead of time if it is a buy it now!
LOL , I feel ya on this one . I just keep filling my Sportsmans , poor husband thinks i'm crazy

One thing i can tell ya is if ya ever get too many of those Dun Laced just give me a holla

Its the not knowing for sure just what color chick is in that egg , will get ya everytime !!! It would be such a shame to toss a Lav or a Porcelain silkie , they are both Beautiful colors .

You have Beautiful birds so looks like you will have plenty of beautiful chicks to choose from this hatching season .


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