I cant believe its been a year!!

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I don't have a flat tummy even when I'm not pregnant.
appointment went pretty good today. My weight did drop by 2lbs which my midwife was not too happy about but she said it's not uncommon since I been sick for almost 3 weeks. She wanted me at 248 lbs but Im only at 244lbs and my last appointment I was 246lbs. I have my appointment with the G. Diabetes on Monday at 7:30 AM! Can't eat for 9 hours before the testing and the testing is 3 hours long!
Who knows if Im going to survive 12 hours without eating!

Bladder infection is cleared up. Midwife and I took a walk to the McDonald's just down the street for breakfast and discussed birthing plans. She said she believes I still can have the baby natuarlly just like I want but she wants me to pick out a OB/GYN just in case something does happen since I have had a rough pregnancy. BABY is BIG! Already big enough for a full term baby and I still have 5 to 8 SAFE weeks to go. She told me that she honestly dont think it's a girl, too much in common with DS then DD1 and DD2 so she said, up to me and hubby, if we really want to know then to reschedule another ultra sound appointment. DD2 we thought was a boy until she was born and it was like "HEY! Where's the WEE WEE!?" OOPS mistake!
Im still on a strict WATER and NO SUGAR diet but she said she is going to flex it a bit since I told her that water is now starting to taste like drinking household chemicals
but no more then 3 glasses of NO SUGAR tea a day, which is MUCH better then all WATER.
I wish I had my hearing aids today. I just LOVE listening to the heart beat but unfortunately DD2 has gotten into my hearing aid case and HIDDEN my hearing aids

Hope I find them SOON!

Im afraid of how big this one is going to be! DS was the smallest of 7lb 10oz. DD1 was 7lb 12oz (1 month early birth) and DD2 was 8lb 12oz
Hope this one isn't TOO big!
i had a scare!!!

i went to the doctor last week and they couldnt find the heartbeat... they tried 2 different doctors but to no avail...FINALLY they sent me to ultrasound, and made me sit alone away from the other ladies in case the baby was no longer living, which totally freaked me out. it turns out though that i am just not as far along as we thought! i am 16 weeks, not 20!!


i was so glad to see that little one on the screen, kicking its little legs around..in 2 weeks i go for another one and i will find out if its a boy or girl.

McCord6; you and your midwife ate breakfast at McDonalds??????? And she thought nothing was wrong with that?????

Not trying to raise anybodies ire, but maybe you should discuss a better nutrition plan with you midwife; it would help with some of the health issues you are having and avoid things like the gestational diabetes.

Good luck with the GD test; I never did drink that orange glop, my midwife had me do a carbohydrate overload instead. It is much more accurate, but extremely filling!
McDonald's isn't all fatty food, there are healthy food available. I did have a bagel sandwiche, minus the bacon
(Baby isn't liking bacon lately, not even sausage) and a parfait. Only thing that my midwife scrowled at me about is that I also ordered a Frappe (HAD to try one of those) and as a "PUNISHMENT" i had to drink up a whole liter of water before my appointment was up *BLOATED*
i think the whole worrying about nutrition thing during pregnancy is so overrated..i eat whatever i want, and i have an occasional small glass of sherry on a weekend, with no dire consequences. i have had 6 very healthy little ones, all but one weighing over 9 pounds.


as long as you arent shooting up or eating dirt or something, i think all will be well.
Oh, that had to have been scary! Thank God for ultrasound machines, whew! We're right there together again... I'm 16 weeks today... what is your new due date?
april 29th.

i am actually glad because we are using the new home buyers tax credit to redo a bunch of stuff, including the babies room so now i have more time to get ready!

McDonald's isn't all fatty food, there are healthy food available. I did have a bagel sandwiche, minus the bacon
(Baby isn't liking bacon lately, not even sausage) and a parfait. Only thing that my midwife scrowled at me about is that I also ordered a Frappe (HAD to try one of those) and as a "PUNISHMENT" i had to drink up a whole liter of water before my appointment was up *BLOATED*

with g. diebeties that bagel sandwich is a huge no no!!!!!i dont know about that midwife, if she wants you to gain much more then what you are at , thats about what i was at with my g.diabeties , more weight will put you at more risk. my doctor specialized in g.diabeties patients. he had me work with a dietition at the hospital to help keep the blood sugar incheck.it is VERY important. you can try to manage it with diet but you may have to have insuline shots. be very carefull of eaty high carb foods , a 1/4 of a bagle is the carb limit for one serving.
Your nutrition is very important right now, and if your baby is born healthy that is great but you body just takes what it needs for the baby from your reserves. Prenatal vitamins are great but they are just the basics of what you need for the growing baby. There are MANY health issues with pregnant women that can be avoided by eating a proper diet; I am not saying that you can NEVER eat fast food, but it should be a rare occurrence; same thing with the alcohol, a little bit will not hurt but a lot every day will do damage (sometimes not noticeable for years in the baby....). One other thing; if you want to know the nutritional information at your fast food joint of choice, the establishment must provide you with one.

BTW the bagel sandwich? Without bacon and the sauce it is 480 calories and 1110 mg sodium. The Frappe? A Medium is 540 calories. So for your daily intake of 2300-2500 calories, you had already consumed half of the requirement in one meal.

Getting off soapbox....

I am not trying to harp on anyone, but it was a little shocking to me that a midwife would agreeably go along with a client to a fast food joint for breakfast; especially a client with health issues.

Once again good luck to all of you ladies, and I hope you all have beautiful healthy babies!

edited calorie intake; 1800 just seemed to be too low....
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