I cant believe its been a year!!

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I don't know about anyone else, but the big sling with baby in it is in the way to get anything done. I even have a hard time at the grocery with it, but use it anyways. just try to work around the baby crying and eating.....dinner won't always be the same time....etc, part of having a newborn. I try to collect gift cards for pizza and other cheap dinners when I am in a pinch.

you can fry some hamburger and freeze it while you have someone helping you......just defrost and add to spag. sauce, hamburger helper....taco soup, taco salad on chips with meat, cheese, salsa, and sour cream.
I like crockpot meals. Just add meat, veggies and potatoes....you can also buy some of the "in the box" meals to get you through the first month....they don't taste the best, but they are cheap and easy to make. You could get some breaded chicken breast and eat on bread with can of veggies and mac-n-cheese...
Thanks Mrs. Turbo Some good info

Congratulations Promiseland I was starting to worry about you. I am so glad you made it to the hospital. Some pictures please when you can.

agnes_day I think that we should have a party on the day of the anniversary for this thread. I'll bring the margaritas for those who can and vitamin water for those who are still expecting.
I wish we really could !!!! I am so glad you did start this thread too Thank you

My chickens trying to break my foot today. First the coop is temporary until I have the time and money to fix it up. I could not do it yet being very pregnant and having just moved here. Well the door is just lodged into the frame with no hinges then I but the large dog kennel up against it at night and move the kennel (which I use for broody hens or new chicks) back away in the morning. Well I moved the kennel this morning and I could hear my hens doing that fighting cock karate kick maneuver against the door. It busted open and the corner caught the top of my foot. Stupid kung fu chickens!!! No more karate lessons for them.

It really hurts too
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I'm kindda a wrap type girl myself. Keeps babe closer to you and less in the way. Granted I have only been able to use this on kids I've watched as this is my first child. Most people have a hard time with all the wrapping involved with a wrap though. As the child gets older I like things like an Ergo to keep them on your back and out of the way.
It's official...I'm being induced on Saturday!!
I go in Friday night for the cervadil and they're inducing me Saturday morning. My OB is on call ALL weekend, so he'll be there for me too! I can't believe I'm going to be a mommy in 3 days!
For meal planning, this is one of my favorite sites (you do have to buy the menus): http://savingdinner.com/go-shopping/

favorite for new baby planning is getting the freezer menus; you spend one day assembling everything and presto: you have a freezer full of meals for post-baby days.

I've subscibed to both the regular menu and "body-clutter" (diet) menus before, planning dinner was always my weak point and these send you a weeks worth of menus + shopping lists and the recipes are good (no bizarre ingrediants), easy to follow and feed 6 people. I think they're reasonably priced, too.
Thanks Southernbelle That sounds really cool I am interested in trying it.

KellyHM yeaaah I see it is time for an update.

KellyHM July 31
mrs turbo Due Sept. 23
littlefarm_bighappy Last week Oct (dates are guesses)
Birdgirl Nov 17
Southernbelle - November 28
Livinzoo December 28
Mandalina Jan 1st
Noble Rooster Jan 8
BlueRoseMama Feb ?
You can add me!!! I know I'm not on here as much as I used to be anymore, but we are expecting our first on January 31st!
I just got to hear the baby's heartbeat at my Dr. appointment last Friday and it was amazing!

OH YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must let us know what you're having - if you find out! because I must go baby shopping............................ LOL


p.s. I'm so excited for all you moms! We have 5 of our own, the youngest being 2 last week, and hubby says NO MORE lolol

Lol.... Thanks!!! We're not finding out what we're having. We have decided we want to be surprised.
It's nice to hear from you, BTW!!!
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