I cant believe its been a year!!

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Congrats and good work ladies! I am jealous and anticipating the sweet cuddly babyhead smelling times that await you!!!

It's a GIRL!!!! Did I say that yet?

I am naming her Cordelia and need a middle name.

At 27-28 weeks somewhere (next ultrasound to measure growth and uterine blood flow is next week)

The 4D ultrasounds are amazing. I've seen her face. It's so crazy hard, trying not to fall too hard in love because of last time.... it's a real nail biter.

. I feel punished for something that wasn't my fault... I had a stillbirth, so people are scared of the Tragedy Queen and don;t dare acknowledge, ask, or anything about the baby.

Our lab manager did leave a Babys R Us flyer on my desk to register, that was amazingly sweet, he has a wife and two kids so he's been thru childbirth. I appreciate that little star of kindness.
Had a baby last night….. Aug. 11, 2010 at 10:15 PM
Blake Robert Foley
5 LBS 11 OZ
18 IN

he was 33 weeks and 6 days



I was sent to the hospital Tuesday night with a fever of 102, full body ache, severe headache, vomiting, and dehydration. They kept me overnight for hydration and did some lab work. I had infection somewhere in my body, but they didn’t know where so they called it a viral infection. Some of my labs were off so I got a IV and some different meds. I was better by morning and my nurse came in the room about 8:00 with my discharge papers. At that point I was timing contractions 3 min. apart for the last 45 min. I got to stay…… Had contractions 3-4 min. apart until 7:00 that night….not to painful, but I was pretty uncomfortable all day. They gave me a shot that stopped the contractions….I dilated from 1 to 2 cm. When they stopped at 7 I took a shower and ate dinner and my nurse once again showed up with my papers to go home. I just had my temperature taken again and it was 101.9 so I asked if I could stay till morning because of the temperature, the long day of contractions and I just didn’t feel right. The infection caused the contractions because they didn’t put me into labor.
So, DH was staying with me because we thought we would be having he baby that day…..got into the bed about 9:00 to watch a show on TV and started feeling small contractions……I hooked myself up to the monitors again and they picked up to every 2 min. and painful to where I couldn’t talk through them. After about 9 of the contractions the nurse comes in and said they noticed the contractions on the monitor and wanted to check me. I was now at 4 CM……they called the DR and came back to wheel me to a labor room…..in the meantime as we are moving down the hall my husband tells them I go fast once I get going so they need to call for the epidural and the DR to deliver…..guess they hear that all the time…..LOL. They pull me into my room and I move to the labor bed…..my water broke as soon as I hit the bed and I told them to get my epidural and I needed checked because there was lots of pressure. My nurse checked me and put her hand on my knee and said honey, you can’t have a epidural, you are ready to push! I thought I was going to cry! So after fighting the urge to push so they could fix the bed and get the Dr and pediatrician for the premature baby I finally had Baby Blake at 10:10…..sunny side up,,,,no wonder my back was killing me!

The baby is doing great….he is in room air and started holding his temperature a couple hours after birth. The only problem he is having is to stay awake to eat so we are feeding him from a bottle and whatever he doesn’t eat goes down the NG tube to his belly. When he drinks all he is supposed to at feedings we can bring him home….should only be a few days.
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thank you everyone......
funny thing is my temperature is back to normal, headache is gone, and my back feels great. Blood pressure is normal again for the time being.....and without those darn pills too. So, makes me wonder if the infection had something to do with the pregnancy and that is what made him come early. Was 3 1/2 hours before I could see him. They wanted to make sure I didn't have a temperature.

They did do a ultrasound early on Wed to check his size and weight to see if I needed to go to Louisville to a NICU hopspital. They try to keep only 35 weekers here.

my last baby was 37 weeks and 5 lbs 14 oz.....17.5 inches so just a 1/2 inch shorter than the new baby, but of course he was considered full term and didn't have the feeding issues.
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Mrs. Turbo :

thank you everyone......
funny thing is my temperature is back to normal, headache is gone, and my back feels great. Blood pressure is normal again for the time being.....and without those darn pills too. So, maked me wonder if the infection had something to do with the pregnancy and that is what made him come early. Was 3 1/2 hours before I could see him. They wanted to make sure I didn't have a temperature.

They did do a ultrasound early on Wed to check his size and weight to see if I needed to go to Louisville to a NICU hopspital. They try to keep only 35 weekers here.

my last baby was 37 weeks and 5 lbs 14 oz.....17.5 inches so just a 1/2 inch shorter than the new baby, but of course he was considered full term and didn't have the feeding issues.

I'm glad to here you both are doing well! I would have been scared to death!​
Mrs. Turbo :

thank you everyone......
funny thing is my temperature is back to normal, headache is gone, and my back feels great. Blood pressure is normal again for the time being.....and without those darn pills too. So, maked me wonder if the infection had something to do with the pregnancy and that is what made him come early. Was 3 1/2 hours before I could see him. They wanted to make sure I didn't have a temperature.

They did do a ultrasound early on Wed to check his size and weight to see if I needed to go to Louisville to a NICU hopspital. They try to keep only 35 weekers here.

my last baby was 37 weeks and 5 lbs 14 oz.....17.5 inches so just a 1/2 inch shorter than the new baby, but of course he was considered full term and didn't have the feeding issues.

I'm glad you're feeling better. My DIL was sick with her last baby towards the end.......as soon as she delivered she felt fine. I think sometimes we forget how much of a drain those little cute bundles are on our bodies before they're born.​
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