I can't stop blowing eggs for Christmas...


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2015
Bulls Gap, TN
I'm having such a good time blowing my eggs and decorating them for Christmas ornaments! I have an Easter egger with lovely blue-green eggs, a couple of others that lay dark and light brown eggs and a banty that lays little dainty eggs. Thank you chickens for some extra presents to my friends and family. This is becoming an obsession...:)
I used to do this as a kid for Easter. It's very popular in Germany (where I'm from) to have some greens in a vase and decorate them. Usually branches of Forsythia and Willow. Then you can hang little wooden Easter eggs on it, or blown eggs that were painted.
I blew out some store bought eggs for Easter decorating a few years ago (before I had my girls). I painted them with acrylics and I was so proud of them...
And then my nephew came an squashed them all. I was devastated. I think, now that I have my girls, I will give it a go again! Thanks for the idea!

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