I cried for hours


Apr 28, 2021
Coleman, Wi
This is not a happy post.. I just have to tell someone. My husband has a dog that is spoiled rotten. He works the cattle, and protects us form the bull & that is his only redeeming quality -- at least for me. He's always pushing past me in doorways, and doesn't listen very well to me. My husband is the "top dog", and apparently I'm in 3rd.
But that's not why I've cried for 3 hours tonight. It's because my husband decided that the dog needed to come in the house and "relax" while he left to the neighbors, unbeknownst to me. (I knew my husband was going to the neighbors, but not that the dog was in the house...)
Guess who had baby chicks out of the incubater for the first time & under the lamp....
The dog has never gone after chicks before, but apparently *today was the day* that he decided my sweet babies were popcorn or something. There was only 3 chicks in the brooder-- and I realise I should have had a top on it, but surely I had more time, as it was supposed to be an empty house (dog has a whole porch attachment he stays in anyways), and it's not like the chicks would fly out!
I'm sick to my stomach. All I wanted was this breed, too... It was such a pain to get these eggs and my hatch rate was like 2/10... I finally made it to the finish line and dips**t over here HAD to bite them.
I almost would have felt better if he ate them... Instead I walked into a kitchen floor full of... anyways.

Today I cried for 3 hours :( thank you for listening...

Edited to add: I've learned my lesson, though... We've had chickens for years and this has never happened... Not to say he's never gone after a small animal.... But never the birds, ever... I'm so sorry to the babies I lost. I'm horribly disappointed and upset over this... Sigh 😔
This is not a happy post.. I just have to tell someone. My husband has a dog that is spoiled rotten. He works the cattle, and protects us form the bull & that is his only redeeming quality -- at least for me. He's always pushing past me in doorways, and doesn't listen very well to me. My husband is the "top dog", and apparently I'm in 3rd.
But that's not why I've cried for 3 hours tonight. It's because my husband decided that the dog needed to come in the house and "relax" while he left to the neighbors, unbeknownst to me. (I knew my husband was going to the neighbors, but not that the dog was in the house...)
Guess who had baby chicks out of the incubater for the first time & under the lamp....
The dog has never gone after chicks before, but apparently *today was the day* that he decided my sweet babies were popcorn or something. There was only 3 chicks in the brooder-- and I realise I should have had a top on it, but surely I had more time, as it was supposed to be an empty house (dog has a whole porch attachment he stays in anyways), and it's not like the chicks would fly out!
I'm sick to my stomach. All I wanted was this breed, too... It was such a pain to get these eggs and my hatch rate was like 2/10... I finally made it to the finish line and dips**t over here HAD to bite them.
I almost would have felt better if he ate them... Instead I walked into a kitchen floor full of... anyways.

Today I cried for 3 hours :( thank you for listening...

Edited to add: I've learned my lesson, though... We've had chickens for years and this has never happened... Not to say he's never gone after a small animal.... But never the birds, ever... I'm so sorry to the babies I lost. I'm horribly disappointed and upset over this... Sigh 😔
I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs
It is amazing how attached we get to these feathered creatures. ❤️
pop him on the butt and show him the chicks it just is his instincts but he should know better I'm so sorry this happened
He is spending the night in the barn courtesy of my husband, usually he sleeps on the loveseat... My husband was not impressed after I called him sobbing 😭 this will never, ever happen again
I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs
It is amazing how attached we get to these feathered creatures. ❤️
I admit, I cried because I felt sorry for myself, too. Because it's all been so hard, you know? But I feel like throwing up when I realize these poor babes were brought here by me, in my house, under my "wing", and this happens 😭😢
You're spot on though... I love them so much...
I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I know how you could feel, my old dog, trained to live with the chickens in the same garden one day killed a rooster that bothered him sometimes, after that I found 2-3 dead chickens, even after we added a muzzle on him. He's already getting paralyzed and now our sweet new shepherd is in charge, other is soon to be euthanized for his condition. Always was a hunter, but never of our own animals before.
Still, the most annoying was the husky of our ex neighbour, unexpectedly breaking fence and killing, tearing apart and eating, or stealing chickens. The owner knew it well and didn't give a ****... Anyway I think the poor dog was hungry, had a dominant other husky there(and 4 other small whatevers), maybe for being submissive, couldn't eat much. I'm only angry with that arrogant woman, not even the dog, because she never did anything, first time she "fixed" the hole on our(anyway perfect) fence but very poorly, after only put a piece of metal to the other hole, even that I had to be the one to fix... Payed the first chicken, never again, because there was no 'proof'... She took 8, and hurted a favourite seriously, that survived, but disappeared some weeks after, leaving a pile of feathers only. :hit
In comparison, the fox took 2 all these years(my first groups favourites in the same time together of course...) the neighbours were here for one year, divorcing and leaving very fast luckily... Never before and after had problems with dogs, one often visits our pile at night, but letting the pasture run open make it do no damage, so I just open that door, for it don't climb the chicken wire.
I'm so sorry this happened. Every one of us here feels you, believe me. We've all lost chicks or chickens one way or another, in spite of our best efforts to keep them safe. It's disheartening and discouraging, to put it mildly. Please don't give up. Learn and try again. You will succeed. 🫂

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