I don’t know what this means

Chicken boy 1156

May 16, 2023
HN Mississippi
I am incubating my eggs that are going to hatch soon and all that I’ve seen have this dark tilted too and light colored bottom. What does that mean. It’s day 3 and I just candled them
One side of the egg like in that picture might look like another color because of the yolk floating to the top.
That is an infertile egg. How many days has it been in the incubator for? If they are close to hatching and that egg looks like that, I would say take it out immediately or else it will explode and contaminate all the other healthy eggs in the incubator. You should have seen development by day 7.
It’s day 3 and I just candled them
Day 3 is a bit early still.

The dark will come later as the embryo develops and (part of) the lighter end will be the air cell.. which grows larger as the eggs age or develop.. if I understand your question correctly.

How many eggs you got going?

Image from google..
If they are close to hatching and that egg looks like that, I would say take it out immediately or else it will explode and contaminate all the other healthy eggs in the incubator.
Could you please explain why you think that?

My thoughts are that an egg goes bad when bacteria gets inside the eggshell. Incubation temperature is the perfect temperature for bacteria to grow and the egg material is the perfect food for bacteria growth. It doesn't matter if there is a living developing embryo in there or not. If there is a living embryo the bacteria will kill it. An egg not developing is under no more risk than any other egg.

I candle my eggs when I go into lockdown and remove any not developing. Not because I'm afraid they will explode but to get the eggs that won't hatch out of the way so I can better watch the ones that will hatch.

I am incubating my eggs that are going to hatch soon and all that I’ve seen have this dark tilted too and light colored bottom. What does that mean. It’s day 3 and I just candled them
As the others said, just be patient. It can take a while before you can tell if an egg is developing or not. The first thing you will probably notice are the blood vessels.

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