I dont know what's wrong with my ducks leg. Help!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 24, 2013
I went to go apple picking with my family two days ago and before we left I took both of my ducks out of their house and they were fine and could walk fine. When we came back one of my ducks was sitting down and thats odd considering my ducks so I checked and her leg was sticking outwards while she was sitting. I thought hse was just sitting funny so I stood her up and her damaged foot isnt opened up like the other usually is and she wasnt doing the swimming motion with that foot. If she walks she tries to hold up the damaged side with her wing. Right now I keep her in her house with food and water and shes drinking and eating, and once every day I put her in the pond and shes able to move the injured foot a little to get around. I dont know any vets that could help. I read somewhere on this site that its normal for ducks to injure their foot (it doesnt look like theres an infection). I just dont know if its broken or sprained or what? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I went to go apple picking with my family two days ago and before we left I took both of my ducks out of their house and they were fine and could walk fine. When we came back one of my ducks was sitting down and thats odd considering my ducks so I checked and her leg was sticking outwards while she was sitting. I thought hse was just sitting funny so I stood her up and her damaged foot isnt opened up like the other usually is and she wasnt doing the swimming motion with that foot. If she walks she tries to hold up the damaged side with her wing. Right now I keep her in her house with food and water and shes drinking and eating, and once every day I put her in the pond and shes able to move the injured foot a little to get around. I dont know any vets that could help. I read somewhere on this site that its normal for ducks to injure their foot (it doesnt look like theres an infection). I just dont know if its broken or sprained or what? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How about the bottom of her foot, is there a scab or swelling or heat? Bumble foot is what I am talking about so check the bottom really good, Epsom salts? if you have some make up a cup to 1/2 gal of warm water in a bucket and put both feet and legs down in to it[much easier doing both] and let her stand in the bucket with you supporting her so she doesn't get out if there is a sprain this will help. Soak as often as she'll let you at least 1X a day. Don't let her drink the water though because ES is a laxative also. Keep her from being able to run around is good, rest, water therapy and soaks will help, and let us know what you find when you look at the bottom of her foot.
(its her right foot just to be exact) Yes her foot is warmer than the other and her left claw/talon is really swollen so is the midle one a tiny bit. So you think its bumble foot? If it is,do the salt baths still help?
(its her right foot just to be exact) Yes her foot is warmer than the other and her left claw/talon is really swollen so is the midle one a tiny bit. So you think its bumble foot? If it is,do the salt baths still help?
can you see a scab where she may have gotten a thorn or splinter or even or scrapped it? or is then nail missing? If bumble foot ES soaks will help and get some decolorized Iodine and if there's a scab you want to soak ,then put the iodine on it make sure it's dry before putting her back on bedding.
Read this then let us know if you think it is bumble https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/807777/bumblefoot-new-ideas-on-treatment-with-pictures

My duck got her back claw hung up on some hardware cloth and pulled the whole thing out, I soaked her foot in the ES and put iodine on it.
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No hydrogen peroxide kills some germs but I don't think it would do quite what iodine does.

Do you have Epsom salt? It, and iodine, can be picked up at the drugstore, or even some grocery stores. Neither is very expensive.
No hydrogen peroxide kills some germs but I don't think it would do quite what iodine does.

Do you have Epsom salt? It, and iodine, can be picked up at the drugstore, or even some grocery stores. Neither is very expensive.
X2!! and a pic of her foot would help us help you better.
At the moment I do not have epsom salts or iodine(I will go to the pharmacy) so for substitutes for right now I give my duck a warm salt bath (iodide salt), then after that I use hydrogen peroxide(when I used it on the ducks foot I saw foaming) finally I put bacitracin on its foot.
At the moment I do not have epsom salts or iodine(I will go to the pharmacy) so for substitutes for right now I give my duck a warm salt bath (iodide salt), then after that I use hydrogen peroxide(when I used it on the ducks foot I saw foaming) finally I put bacitracin on its foot.
Don't use anything with pain relief in it ending in caine, deadly for poultry.

Using peroxide often kills healthy skin so one time is usually what is recommended Epsom salts is very inexpensive also decolorized iodine I think I paid 1.97 for a bottle at CVS can you post a pic of the bottom of her foot? but using warm salt water is good too. Sorry meant to say that at the beginning.

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