I don't understand....

This happened with my order from McMurray last year. I just think it was the stress of shipping, we lost 11 out of 26. McMurray will refund any losses within 48 hours. Might add a little sugar to their water and the ones that don't look well, pull those out and put them in their own space with heat and sugar mash so they're not bumped around by the others? Good luck. I know it's devestating.
They came from McMurray, in Iowa and I live in BC, Canada, so it was quite a long journey for the little ones. I didn't know of any other hatcheries before I ordered them otherwise I would have picked one closer to home.

Thanks for the tip about the sugar in the water, I'll do that now. I am keeping an eye on them, they don't seem to be stepping on each other too much but I have been moving the ones that looked quite ill to a quieter spot.

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