I ended up with a baker's dozen!


Mar 26, 2018
Springtown, TX
So originally I got 5 ducklings that were rescues. Four had been injured in transport, and one had a birth defect that gave him and extra bend in his leg. They're all almost 4 weeks old. Well, last night, my boyfriend brought home 4 more, bringing us up to 9. I thought we were done... then I went to the feed store. I brought home 1 Rouen and 3 more Pekins. I may have an addiction....
I would love to add more but my bf not gonna fall for that at least not till these two are out of the house lol he keeps saying twos my limit but I’m pretty sure I have a male and female so I need at LEAST one more female preferably two to keep him happy ;)
Totally logical reason to get more fluffy butts!
I would love to add more but my bf not gonna fall for that at least not till these two are out of the house lol he keeps saying twos my limit but I’m pretty sure I have a male and female so I need at LEAST one more female preferably two to keep him happy ;)
Omg I think we have the same life
How old are your two
Cuz I have the same problem I have to get more to make him better so my daisy doesn't get beat up
I had no idea
Being told u have to have more than one doesn't mean no boys or u have to have four I mean jeeze
Not that it's a horrible thing just wasn't quite ready for more
They are almost two months now
Gonna have to do something soon I love him too much and they get along so great I'm scared of more
Omg I think we have the same life
How old are your two
Cuz I have the same problem I have to get more to make him better so my daisy doesn't get beat up
I had no idea
Being told u have to have more than one doesn't mean no boys or u have to have four I mean jeeze
Not that it's a horrible thing just wasn't quite ready for more
They are almost two months now
Gonna have to do something soon I love him too much and they get along so great I'm scared of more
They are three weeks or so not sure actual hatch day..and getting huge! Just love em...and one for sure has quaked so I know she’s a girl other one hasn’t yet and is tad bigger and just shaped different..but who knows may be a girl too..if is a boy I will be ordering females from mertzer or somewhere..maybe try to find a farm closer..and yeah I plan on taking these two kayaking with me and feel 4 is just too many to take..I’m really kinda hoping others a girl too if not well it be okay lol I know I’ll end up with more anyways eventually...I eventually want chickens(had before), geese and peacocks as well..just need to get out more country than I am.. nice lot on river but still so called “town”..hate it ugh.. as far as if boy and girl I will watch them if there’s problems I’ll separate during mating season but still let them see each other divide the pen with fence and probably break down n get more lol

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