I Fattened the Goats :(


Dec 13, 2017
Mass Hilltowns
I made an error in research and feed management. Backyardherds can be real slow responses and my FB groups tend to give bad goat info, hoping better here.

2 of my Nigerian goats have been getting a pellet mix containing alfalfa/timothy pellet plus hay stretcher pellets. They share, twice per day, 1 3/4cup until I realized the issue and have started to decrease each feeding a tad this week.

The hay stretcher has caused quick and excessive weight gain in my doe. The buckling seems to fair ok in comparison. She was previously so thin that some added weight for winter is good, but this is wayyy too much.
I thought, in the first week or so the gain began, that she was simply scarfing down all the hay she could to not let the newest doe have any. I'm fairly confident it isn't the case now.

We started hay stretcher at a time when I could not source hay they wanted to eat. Source now located, less pellets needed and no stretcher needed period.

I dried her off from milking over 3 weeks roughly October beginning to end. She had freshened, a FF, in April and just wasn't going to hold nice lactation any longer. At that time, I was concerned she was way underweight, another reason to dry off. We could see the last ribs appearing. She no longer receives any grain, ending all grain entirely about 1 week after dry off. She was quite attached to milking routine.

I cannot recall precisely when we began hay stretcher mix. Perhaps mid Sept? End August? I have bought and mixed twice with green pellets, and we are halfway through that second batch. (No, I'll not buy again, learned my lesson!)

It is possible for her to be bred, but not a guarantee. EDD as early as final days of January. I didn't intend to breed so soon or if at all, shit happens and I cannot fix that now. If she is bred, even more crucial to fix the weight.

Suggestions please? I'd say "take more walks" but a goat's idea of a walk=snacks!
What is hay stretcher? If it contains grain, she doesn't need it. It is hard to believe your goat got that fat on what you say you are feeding her, particularly when the other goat is of normal weight. Is she big all over (as in padding over the back and sides) or just the abdomen? If it is just the abdomen I would suspect pregnancy. Pictures would be helpful.
What is hay stretcher? If it contains grain, she doesn't need it. It is hard to believe your goat got that fat on what you say you are feeding her, particularly when the other goat is of normal weight. Is she big all over (as in padding over the back and sides) or just the abdomen? If it is just the abdomen I would suspect pregnancy. Pictures would be helpful.

Supposedly, stretcher is a feed intended to add to other feeds when the quality or availability of hay is poor. It's meant as a temporary solution, I would presume.

Her buckling friend has definitely gained, just not as quickly and massively as she. It does seem to be all around her middle, as in not equally distributed throughout the body (no extra fats behind front leg, not suddenly fat on tailhead, etc.)
I'll see if I can find adequate pics before/after.
Got one! Mid October.

I will go out and get a today pic.


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Today pics.

Pregnancy mentioned above.
Her FF, seller didn't even know she was pregnant. Sold her and a few weeks later out came twins, big healthy ones. Naturally, quite a shock to her then owner, because she was as thin as milkstand pic!
It IS possible she is bred. The earliest possible conception date is 9/1. I don't fathom she could be showing this much at 2 to 2.5 months along.
We could combine theory maybe? Is she pregnant AND fattening up from stretcher?


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Today pics.

Pregnancy mentioned above.
Her FF, seller didn't even know she was pregnant. Sold her and a few weeks later out came twins, big healthy ones. Naturally, quite a shock to her then owner, because she was as thin as milkstand pic!
It IS possible she is bred. The earliest possible conception date is 9/1. I don't fathom she could be showing this much at 2 to 2.5 months along.
We could combine theory maybe? Is she pregnant AND fattening up from stretcher?
Holy smokes she looks pregnant to me..:eek:
Maybe 3 kids in there..:hugs
It IS possible she is bred. The earliest possible conception date is 9/1. I don't fathom she could be showing this much at 2 to 2.5 months along.

How are you figuring the earliest possible conception date? Because you say she's been living with a buckling, and I've read that they can mature quite young. I've also read of breedings happening through a fence. So pregnant but farther along might be an explanation.

A google search tells me that pregnancy testing for goats is possible. I also found this article with lots of photos of goats with big bellies but not pregnant: http://tiramarhomestead.com/2016/01/is-my-goat-pregnant-detecting-pregnancy-in-goats/

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