I finally feel like a good chicken mama!

Tina D

9 Years
Sep 2, 2010
Dutchess County, NY
We had such a great "chicken day"! This was the first nice, warm, sunny day we've had since my 2 ladies came home. Me, hubby, and the kids were puttering in the yard most of the day. The hens ventured out of their run for much longer than normal and seemed very content. My lady with arthritis was walking better today, I assume because it wasn't damp and cool for a change! Hubby helped me clip her toenails, too, which I think also helped her to walk better.

I had been feeling so glum, fearing my hens were going to hate it here. Since their arrival, the weather has been crummy. But, I think we're developing a routine now. Yay!

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