I finally joined officially !

my 3 girls

6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Essex UK
Hello my name is Claire, from Essex in UK. I've looked on site many times and finally joined officially. I am new to the chicken world, got my girls in Oct last year, Henrietta, Clarissa and Marmaduke .Well, they started as girls... Henrietta became Henry/Henny amongst many other nicknames as a result of this; In Feb this year I got another Doris.
My girls roam freely 'garden style' and give me hours of pleasure watching them. My friends and family think I'm nuts- but I'm sure to others with girls-not?

My happiness has taken a bashing.... When I went to out to lock them up last night, they had all gone to bed except Henny
I found her/him at back of garden-legs up. I examined her as best as I could through tears.... There were no signs of any attack, no blood or anything. She/he was in fantastic health, eating, roaming, all of them get on brilliantly, and for no reason at all has gone. She was only 16 weeks old when I got her in Oct so not very old at all, approx 10 months old. I am gutted, they're not just 'chickens' they are my girls and boy :(

I went out to the others this morning, petrified the other 3 had gone, thankfully they are alive and out eating and roaming. I just hope they won't miss him as much as I am already. Thanks to this site, I now know that these things can happen and it's not just me :(
Hello and welcome from Ohio....so glad you joined BYC

Sorry you lost one of your babies. That part never gets any easier.

Wising the rest of your flock good health and hope you have hours of enjoyment out of them :)
Good Day, Claire, and
! So happy you joined our community! I wish you all the best with your poultry and also sorry for your loss!

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