I found a dead chicken in the coop and have questions.


5 Years
Aug 14, 2018
She was a black australorp a little over a year old. She never acted sick or odd. I had to go out of town over night the ladies were set up for the day with food and water and free access to the run (nothing out of the ordinary). When I got home she was dead in the coop, the other ladies seem fine. She was laying face down and she had a big solid blood clot and a smaller one near her vent. I checked her and she didn't have an egg stuck, no wounds, her body is the same size has her flock mates. I have a small mixed flock of 8 3 black australorps 4 wyandottes and 1 orpington. They have been together from day one. I checked the coop and around the run all the poop seemed normal she had been eating and drinking normally. Also she does have free range time daily.
I took pictures of the clots, cut the big clot in half it was like a thick heavy jello and a little smaller then a golf ball. The other one was kind of thin and paper like. Has anyone else had this happen or have a link I can read about it? Should I be worried for my other ladies?


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