I found something odd in my nest box- could this be fatal?


This Is An Illusion
Mar 27, 2021
Tonight when I was closing up my hens, I found a strange... object inside one of the nest boxes of my portable coop.
It was about the size of an egg yoke but was pinkish and fleshy-looking in color. It sort of had a shape like a large uncapped acorn. There was a small vein-like cord shriveled and dry at one end that wasn't unlike a newly hatched chick umbilical cord. There was no blood in the box, but a faint appearance of blood around the strange cord, and it was awfully dry but squishy.
I didn't touch it with my hands, instead scooping it with a stick into a large bottle cap I found outside and left it on the shelf on the back of the coop for tomorrow- it was very dark and raining and it didn't feel sanitary bringing it to the house. I checked all of the hen's vents for any sign of blood, and not only did they all come up clean but had the obvious liveliness to complain quite indignantly about having their tail feathers lifted in such a way.
Most of the hens in this coop are almost 6 years old, with a small handful ranging everywhere from 10 months to 4 years. I have lost two hens from this flock to prolapsed vent, one who was over 5 years and the other just over 3 years.

Has anyone experienced this before? Is it potentially fatal for my hens?
Photos would be helpful, but your description sounds to me like salpingitis. Do you know which hen it is? Is an Avian Vet an option? If not, if she were mine, I would give her the heaviest antibiotic I could get, like enrofloxacin or doxycycline. Unfortunately, the prognosis for salpingitis is not good. I would still try to treat it, however.

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