I get my new drake tomorrow!


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I'm so excited! I am getting my new Chocolate Muscovy Drake tomorrow. I am swapping a friend for my boy, Angus, for one of thei're beautiful, friendly, juvenile solid chocolates. He's just gorgeous. I have my eye on the very deep bodied one of the two Chocolates but she also had 2-3 other boys she needed to re-home, i would take them all if i could. I will get pics up as soon as I get him home tomorrow!

I'm just excited and wanted to share
She has some more extras so i will try and get pictures of them too in case anyone here is interested. she may ship(im not sure though) but either way she's very reasonable on prices, she just wants them to have good homes where they wont be eaten.

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