I used to turn my electric wire off during the day and then we started seeing some coyotes and fox during the day and one took my special Gladys so now I leave it on all of the time.
I have seen some coyotes jump over a barbed wire fence in a pasture down the road. One of our neighbors would constantly loose his kid goats. As soon as they were born almost the coyotes would get them. Luckily now the neighbor doesn't have a billy anymore so no more kids.
As a heads up, shooting hawks IS illegal without a permit and marine status doesn't protect you if you're breaking federal law. Hope nobody with the ability to find your address ever finds out about it - it's a hefty fine and sometimes even jail time.
I’m very impressed with all of the work you’ve done!

My big dog got loose one day and headed around the horse paddock where the horses were and there were a couple of chickens too. She got zapped getting into the paddock and then was too worried about the tape to escape.

The next time she got out she skipped the horse pasture entirely and just circled the chicken pen fence. Nothing would have convinced her to risk that tape again. One warning though is that she has a short coat. A furry dog might not feel it.
I bought a solar powered electric charger for bears. The idea is that they have to touch the wire with the underside of a paw or a nose to feel the zap. It won't go through their fur. I got zapped once years ago when I was a kid. I don't think it was nearly as strong as mine, but boy did it startle me.
Some chargers are more powerful than others. I bought a solar charger as a backup for when we loose power but I'm going to replace it with a battery operated one which has more power. Also remember when a 4 legged predator touches the wire it has it's 4 feet on the ground where a person has 2 feet on the ground.

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